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What is GPSC?
The Graduate and Professional Student Council is a body of graduate and professional student representatives from each graduate and professional degree and certificate program that solicits opinions from graduate and professional students at SIU in order to discuss and take positions on issues such as graduate assistantships, fee increases, grievance procedures, campus safety, and other matters of relevance to graduate students. The GPSC President and Executive Board communicate these concerns and priorities to the campus administration and the Board of Trustees through various councils, committees, and board meetings on which GPSC has representation. The Council also serves as a resource for graduate and professional students regarding various university services.
Student Government Suite
Student Center, 3rd Floor
Campus Mail Code: 4419
Main Email:
Academic Concerns and Grievances:
Phone: 618-536-7721
Facebook Page: @GPSCSIU
Facebook Group: SIU Graduate and Professional Student Council
What does GPSC do for you?
- Acts as an advocate for its constituents
- Allows the opportunity to engage in shared governance and decision-making
- Administers the portion of the Student Activity Fee paid by all graduate and professional students
- Reimburses certain conference-related and professional development expenses
- Reimburses specific event expenses
Concerned Citizen or Student?
If you would like to be added to GPSC’s mailing list, which includes the agenda for the coming meeting and possible resolutions that will be considered in the near future, please email us at!